Sarah Watson created The Bold Type, a comedy-drama television series for Freeform that was produced by Universal Television. It is based on the life and work of Joanna Coles, the former editor-in-chief of Cosmopolitan magazine and executive producer of the series. The series follows three millennial women, played by Katie Stevens, Aisha Dee, and Meghann Fahy, who work at a fictional worldwide magazine named Scarlet in New York City.

With its four seasons, The Bold Type has made an impression on us and has become a source of comfort. Jane Sloan’s writing, Sutton Brady’s fashion styling, and Kat Edison’s judgments based on her free spirit have all become inspirational. Jacqueline Carlyle has raised the standard in terms of how a boss should be, and we all need her in our lives. We’re not ready to say goodbye to the closet area, which has become a part of our friendship discussions, because the characters, their lifestyles, drama, and other elements have become a part of our alternative reality. Although, the release of Freeform’s Season 5 trailer on May 7th not only made us feel excited for it, but it also prepared us to be ready to part ways.

The trailer reveals a few things we may expect, the most obvious of which are the ongoing theme of friendship and closet conversations. It also gives us hope that Kat and Adena, as well as Sutton and Brady, will be reunited as couples. We also get a glimpse of Jane’s increasing nervousness around her employee. What also excites us is the future of Scarlet, as Jacqueline refers to it, and we can’t wait to see the three women dominate the magazine, making it extraordinary and setting an example for all women.

Furthermore, when asked about the evolution of the connection between the characters Sutton and Brady, Meghann Fahy had a positive response for her fans, in one of the interviews. We can’t wait to see the drama-filled twists and turns this season takes. With the last six episodes, we hope this series is not only satisfying but also empowering. So, until my pen writes more for you, start streaming The Bold Type on Hulu, will you?

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Bhakti Mukhi
With a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature under my belt, I'm living a tale inside several fictional stories! I'm here to listen, learn, connect, evolve, love, and live life to its fullest potential. Let's start a conversation with the words my pen has written for you, shall we?