Aaliyah Kashyap, the daughter of acclaimed filmmaker Anurag Kashyap is a well-known name in the creator circle. A fashion and beauty creator, Aaliyah is extremely loved for her podcast Young, Dumb & Anxious. She recently made headlines with the relaunch of her podcast after a hiatus of over a year. The podcast’s return has been marked by a more mature and centred approach from Aaliyah, as she delves into topics ranging from friendships to relationships and social life. However, it was the sixth episode featuring her father, Anurag Kashyap, that garnered widespread attention, offering listeners a candid and humorous glimpse into their relationship dynamics.

Aaliyah Kashyap invites Anurag Kashyap on Young, Dumb & Anxious

Young, Dumb & Anxious Podcast

Young, Dumb & Anxious 2.0 marks the return of Aaliyah Kashyap’s podcast, which now boasts six episodes filled with engaging conversations. In this revamped version, Aaliyah maintains the core themes of her podcast while showcasing her growth and maturity as a content creator. Listeners can expect discussions revolving around friendships, relationships, as well as travel content, presented in a relatable and authentic manner.

Aaliyah Kashyap revamps her podcast Young, Dumb & Anxious

Episode with Anurag Kashyap

The highlight of the podcast’s revival was undoubtedly the sixth episode featuring Anurag Kashyap, where father and daughter engaged in an honest and entertaining conversation. Amidst discussions about their relationship, Aaliyah’s upcoming wedding, and differing opinions, the duo gave listeners a sneak-peek into their personal dynamics. Despite their disagreements, the banter between Aaliyah and Anurag was both humorous and heartwarming, showcasing the genuine bond they share.

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Highlights and Details of the Episode

During the episode, Anurag humorously revealed that the budget for Aaliyah’s wedding might be equivalent to one of his low-budget films, sparking playful banter between the two. Aaliyah, in turn, teased her father about rescheduling their podcast and suggested that he should make an exception for her wedding since she’s his only daughter. 

The episode also touched upon Anurag’s views on marriage, with him expressing reluctance towards another marital commitment, the duo then spoke about their views about Sandeep Reddy Vanga’s Animal and his artistic. To us, this episode was a laughter fest, showing how even a celebrity father-daughter has the usual conversation any parent and child would. 

The revival of Aaliyah Kashyap’s podcast, Young, Dumb & Anxious, has been met with enthusiasm, with the sixth episode featuring Anurag Kashyap serving as a highlight. As Aaliyah continues to navigate the podcasting landscape with authenticity and maturity, her audience can look forward to more entertaining episodes in the future.

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Rishi Jain
Rishi believes in experiences over possessions. A healthy political discussion is her espresso shot. She loves all things Bollywood and finds solace in words.