Social Nation the hub of all things digital, continues to bring real stories with its video podcast series- The Social Nation Show, now streaming on Spotify and produced by Pod.One. This series celebrates India’s most influential content creators, diving into their personal and professional lives to present the best of the Indian creator economy. For its third episode, we had the GenZ superstar Srishti Garg joining us, to share the secret sauce to success and her take on relationship, the industry and much more.

Srishti Garg joins the fun on the Social Nation Show

Episode 03

Following last week’s engaging episode with RJ Princy, this week features the multi-talented Srishti Garg. Known for her relatable and humorous takes on life, Srishti Garg is the GenZ godmother. On The Social Nation Show she shares insights into her journey as a content creator, the evolution of her IPs, and her approach to dealing with online negativity.

Srishti Garg’s Creative Journey

Srishti Garg began creating content in January 2021. Despite her initial videos not gaining significant traction, she persisted. In 2022, she conceived the idea for her Gen Z series, inspired by a friend’s comment on how her generation would approach marriage. This series marked a turning point in her career, propelling her into the realm of relevance. 

Personal Life as Content

Drawing heavily from her personal experiences, Srishti’s revolves around her life and her people and thereby her content resonates deeply with her audience. As an army brat who moved from Jodhpur to Bombay, her life experiences have been a rich source of inspiration. Her IPs, such as her 14-year-old self videos and army brat series, are direct extensions of her life, making her content authentic and engaging.

Handling Creative Fatigue

Srishti Garg acknowledges the pressure of staying relevant and consistently producing new content. She finds inspiration in everyday activities, such as making a “mango smoothie,” and emphasises the importance of taking breaks. Quoting the wisdom of nature, she believes in the necessity of pausing to recharge.

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Dealing with Online Trolling

Early in her career, Srishti Garg faced severe online harassment, including rape and death threats, which affected her deeply. Over time, she adopted a more resilient attitude, focusing on the anonymity of her detractors and opting to block and move on. Occasionally, she even responds with humour and wit.

Building a Community in 2024

Srishti Garg’s advice for building a community in 2024 is to stay authentic. She highlights the importance of returning to one’s roots and being true to oneself. By engaging with her audience and incorporating their feedback, she maintains a strong connection with her followers.

Navigating Relationships

When asked about the happiness of Gen Z in relationships, Srishti candidly admits that conflicts are universal across generations. She emphasises the importance of seeing beyond the conflicts to the core of the person you care about, underscoring the value of genuine connections.

Where to Watch

The Social Nation Show is available on Social Nation’s official Spotify, YouTube, Apple Podcast, JioSaavn, Amazon Music, and Gaana channels. For fun snippets follow our Instagram and YouTube Shorts channel.

For third episode of the Social Nation Show, we have Srishti Garg

For more details and to catch the full interview with Srishti Garg, tune in to The Social Nation Show and get inspired by her creative journey and personal insights!

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Rishi Jain
Rishi believes in experiences over possessions. A healthy political discussion is her espresso shot. She loves all things Bollywood and finds solace in words.