World Mental Health Day: Ekta Dixit’s way to treat yourself right!
As 10/10 (just like today's date) people might sound to you, one of the ignored par…
She enjoys reading but is slow at it, loves making people laugh but cracks PJs occasionally, and is excessively communicative most of the time. Veera accepts people as they're while judging them on their face.
As 10/10 (just like today's date) people might sound to you, one of the ignored par…
The brands put their heart into making sure that the advertisement delivers what th…
There's a new update for the Twitteratis. Twitter is presenting mixed media feature…
Do you ever think it's preferable to have an internet friend who motivates you rath…
There are advertisements that make us understand the product and then there are as …
Content creators who make content all by themself are definitely entertaining but t…
If traveling is your dream and you do not know how to go about it or what's the way…
Remember how the Facebook status feature always asked 'What's on your mind?' Imagin…
The way people watch television has evolved over time, and it's both fascinating an…
Imagine finding a content creator who's pretty, funny, and creative. Sounds fun, ri…