In the bustling city of Mumbai, a dynamic trio known as Bigg Nerds has been making waves in the digital space with their relatable and humorous content. Consisting of childhood friends Chirag Limbachiya and Ansh Chopra, along with their college buddy Shravan Chauhan, this talented group has captured the hearts of viewers with their entertaining Reels and flavourful regional content. Now the Bigg Nerds are all set to bring their humour to the Social Nation Festival 2024.
Don’t Miss!!! Social Nation is hosting Asia’s Largest Creator Festival on the 20th & 21st of April at Jio World Garden, Mumbai. Book your tickets here.
Ansh Chopra, fueled by a childhood aspiration to become an actor, discovered his knack for mimicking movie characters at an early age. However, it wasn’t until their college days that the trio recognised their collective talent for acting, inspiring them to collaborate on various projects together. With each passing day, Bigg Nerds gained momentum on Reels and became a big name on digital platforms.
One of their standout collaborations, titled ‘Orry’s Daily Routine,’ features Chirag Limbachiya portraying ‘Reel Orry,’ hilariously mimicking Orry’s signature mannerisms in everyday situations. However, the reel takes an unexpected turn when ‘Reel Orry’ encounters the soberly dressed ‘Real Orry’ and suggests taking a selfie together. This viral reel has propelled them into stardom and Bigg Nerds are only getting bigger.
Social Nation Festival 2024 is set to be Asia’s largest creators festival, scheduled for the 20th and 21st of April at the Jio World Garden, Mumbai. The festival promises an electrifying lineup of the biggest creators from around the world, offering fans and creators alike a unique opportunity to engage with their favourite personalities.
With such an incredible array of artists lined up, attendees are guaranteed a memorable experience filled with laughter, entertainment, and perhaps even a few surprises. From meet-and-greets to live performances, the Social Nation Festival is poised to exceed all expectations and create lasting memories.
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