Sort your weekend with this watchlist!
It's time to decompress from the stresses of the week as the weekend draws near. Binge-watching some of the best online series available is a terrific…
It's time to decompress from the stresses of the week as the weekend draws near. Binge-watching some of the best online series available is a terrific…
As the entertainment industry continues to evolve, one of the most exciting parts for fans is anticipating a new season of their favorite show! Min…
If you are romantic plus a lover of Bollywood, here is something you can watch and enjoy. A new four-part docuseries titled "The Romantics" on Netflix…
It is not unusual for creators in the entertainment industry to collaborate. However, when two famous creators join hands to work on a mini-series, it…
What happens when your favorite movie makers join hands with an audio storyteller to bring stories to you with familiar voices? You get intriguing ori…
Even while being alone can have its ups and downs, taking care of yourself is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Curling up with some foo…
According to Netflix Newsroom, Over 60% of all Netflix subscribers watched Korean movies and television shows last year, demonstrating the growing pop…
It's the new year and the first weekend is here. Hence time for new shows and movies to binge upon! While we do not mention all the releases of the in…
When a favorite star talks about something you like, it is a different feeling, right? And what about when they release a show you did not even know y…
While science interests many, fiction interests so many more people. Today is celebrated as Science Fiction Day. The event's date honors the legend…