Having a well-planned content journey or a journey where you start without a destination in mind? Today, we’re talking about someone who has worked on this combination, and damn, look has it worked out for her. We’re talking about Isha Borah and her wondrous feed with the best styling ideas and aesthetic lovers’ pleasure profile.
The 32-year-old influencer began her adventure with no idea that the content making would completely transform her way of life, and now she is styling, shooting, and slaying- all on her own!

In a conversation with us, she spoke about how her life changed during the lockdown when she took the step to create content and what keeps her going despite the challenges.
How did you start your content journey?
I joined gram back in 2013 and wasn’t very active. This was back when I was working as a content writer and Instagram was not a big part of my life. I started creating some content in 2019 and 20′ but that was just for my own happiness and because I enjoyed styling and posting it. I started posting videos in 2020 when I had a few hundred followers- mostly the known ones. It was by the end of lockdown that I lost my job and after that, I was quite active on the gram. The reels came in and as I was active, I saw how people started noticing my content in 2021. Brands started reaching out to me for sending packages and promoting their materials and so that was the start of barter collaborations.
How did you grow over time on Instagram?
I moved to Singapore sometime later and was doubtful if the brands would still reach out to me for collaborations but as my collaborations were working well and brands were happy- it continued! The content moved on from just barter to paid promotions and so did the views and loyalty of my viewers.
By August 2021 I was at 50K followers and then by September/ October, it was 100K! By this time I felt I can’t work for just barter collaborations since that was my full-time job so I started pitching and it worked out. Some of my reels started hitting millions and brands and followers, and both were happy.
How do you plan your content? Who chooses the certain- outfits, accessories, music? Is there a team who helps you in shooting the content?
I have a calendar for planning the content and so I shoot accordingly. On most days, I shoot 2-3 reels, sometimes just one in a day!
Styling: I am someone who absolutely loves styling and so all my outfits are matched and styled by me. Ps. When I can’t sleep, I decide my outfits and how I am going to accessorize them.
Music: Being a 90’s person, I am a fan of Bollywood music, and hence- the songs are also chosen by me.
Shoot: When it comes to shooting content, my team consists of me and my phone! (Haha) All my videos are self-shot and when I do need help- my husband joins the team and sorts things for me at the best.
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What would you say about the pressure of following the trend? Do you face any challenges while making content? What is it?
Following the trend is one thing and creating it is another. There are no challenges as such as I enjoy making the content. Sometimes I feel there’s more space needed to shoot my content but so far I’ve been managing it well.

What do you like and dislike about social media? Is there any incident that made you feel really grateful, and happy about putting out content as you do?
I like how you can put out content as you want to and the fact that social media keeps giving you all the information and knowledge you need. While social media has its good points, it also has a dark side where people start a cancel culture very easily. Trolling and negativity can really play with your head and suck your peace.
When I was not a big name on Instagram and just started my content journey, I remember someone walking up to me in Banglore and telling me they loved my content. That’s the power of social media and I was so delighted.
“Your content will always speak for you.”
Isha Borah
Which is the best part of your content for you? What more do you want to do in the future in terms of content creation?
It always scares me that I might run out of likes for the kind of content I make. But then it’s all about how you keep doing it and not make it boring to the people. Staying constant and consistent is the key.
I believe I am able to show people how to accessorize through my content and that’s about it. I think I will just keep doing whatever I am doing. Just keep improving my concept.
What keeps you motivated to do what you do?
My motivation for my love of styling- that’s what keeps me going. I think the key is to love what you do. If your work brings you happiness, it will ultimately show in your work.
The creator’s work is beautiful. But the way she styles the traditional outfits and carries them so well, that’s something that will make you fall for her, for sure.
What message would you like to share with the readers?
The message from me would be that nothing is impossible, keep working on what you like and it will take you to different heights. Being constant, consistent, and truthful is the key to success.
This girl’s profile is a mix and match of perfect outfits synced with beautiful music- feel free to follow, and get styling tips and content enthusiasm from her.