9 Gandhi Principles You Can Adopt in the 21st Century

The father of the nation has taught us some invaluable lessons. But can his principles be followed even today?


The principle of non-violence is very relevant even today as the world faces the wrath of terrorism.


He has shown us how to solve problems from the micro to the macro level by his non-violent yet effective Satyagraha..


"Real Swaraj will come not by the acquisition of authority by a few, but by the acquisition of the capacity by all to resist authority when it is abused."


Atma-nirbhar Bharat is the first and most important aspect of the country's progress.


Gandhism teaches us to be tolerant of all religions. This is the need of the hour to maintain peace & harmony.


Ensuring we keep our surroundings clean & hygienic will reduce the chances of infections & viruses.

Communal Harmony

  Unity within the community and between different castes & creeds will ensure the progress of the nation.                                                                                              

Women's Emancipation

Mahatma wished for women to not be restricted to domestic work & instead get involved in public life.

Sustainable Environment

A sustainable lifestyle is vital today more than ever. Protecting our planet was one of Gandhi's early teachings.

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