A Sneak Peek Into Vanika Sangtani On The Social Nation Show

Vanika Sangtani celebrates womanhood, her inner child diaries, and acknowledging the importance of creative freedom in the digital realm.

Early Days

She started creating videos about the NGO where she used to work, just for fun. But one fine day one of her reel blew up.

One-Minute Video💡

Looking at the numbers she started putting similar content but it didn't run for a long time. Later, she figured to tell her story through one-minute reel, with her voice that gained her substantial views.

She was having a creative block. A creator advised her to share happy content instead of featuring sad poets, she got disheartened. But later a follower appreciated her what she does, surging motivation.

Doing What She Loves

Journey From Kyra To Vanika

She initially used the handle "Kyra" due to family unacceptance, but changed it a year ago as she gained confidence.

Neon Green Sticky Note Supremacy

She started a cult of writing her heart out on these notes, and it blew up as it was max relatable with her viewer.

Pink Experiences

Pink Experiences is a unique blend of travel and self-reflection that aims to help individuals understand themselves better on the go.

Spitting Facts

 "I think we always try to become the version we wanted as a support system in our childhood," says Vanika speaking on her inner child.

Heartfelt Message

Her motto in life is, "I am creating content for those 10,000 Vanikas that sitting and feeling the same that I am feeling."

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