All You Need To Know About The Hot Beverage - Flat White

The Google Doodle pays homage to the Flat White and here's all you need to know about this hot drink.

What Is Flat White?

It's a coffee drink made with espresso and microfoam, which is originally steamed milk with fine bubbles.

Where Was It Found?

Australia and New Zealand both claim credit for the birth of the beverage, with conflicting stories about its invention.

The flat white was originated or founded by baristas of both the countries, Alan Preston & Fraser Mclnnes, which adds extreme confusion to the debate further.

Who Founded It?

How To Make This Beverage?

Initially, milk is poured over espresso to mix the two liquids together, with microfoam being being the 'star' for proper blending.

Taste & Texture

The key to perfect flat white is its velvety white foam texture, which enriches the flavour of coffee with a subtly creamy taste.

Is It Better Than Cappuccino?

While cappuccinos also have white thick foam, flat white feature silky milk blended with espresso for a richer texture & flavour.

Better Than Latte?

As compared to lattes, flat whites have less milk and foam, which offers a stronger coffee flavour and smaller serving size which is just perfect!

Is It Worth Trying?

We vote a big YES if you are a coffee enthusiast and love trying new coffee variations.

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