Joe Rogan's Craziest Conspiracy Theories

While Joe approaches these theories with an open mind, it's important to note that he often presents them as topics of discussion rather than endorsing them.

This theory claims that a secretive global elite, of powerful individuals and organizations, aims to establish a totalitarian world government.

New World Order

The Hollow Earth theory suggests that the Earth is hollow with openings at the poles, and there exists an inner world inhabited by advanced civilizations.

Hollow Earth

The theory claims that shape-shifting reptilian beings take on human form to manipulate human society for their own gain.

Reptilian Elite

Joe claims that adding fluoride to water is a government-led method of mind control that can impact critical thinking, and make people more compliant

Water Fluoridation

It claims that pharmaceutical companies suppress natural cures and collude with  healthcare professionals to maintain a monopoly on healthcare.

Big Pharma

He claims that unexplained archaeological anomalies indicate that aliens visited the planet and provided advanced knowledge and technology.

Ancient Aliens

This theory suggests that the evolution of human consciousness and cognitive abilities was influenced by the consumption of psychedelic substances.s

Stoned Ape

This theory suggests that our perceived reality is a simulation created by a more advanced civilisation, and that we live in a virtual reality.

Simulation Theory

This theory speculates that venerable gods or deities were, in fact, extraterrestrial beings that visited Earth in ancient times.

Ancient Astronaut

It suggests that there are multiple universes or parallel realities which could each have its own set of physical laws and configurations

The Multiverse

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