A Tale of Madhu Bai Kinnar's Courage & Victory

Madhu Bai Kinnar was India's first transgender mayor who defied the odds and made waves. But how did it happen? Let's find out.

Early Life

Born as Naresh Chauhan, Madhu belonged to the Dalit community, facing social and economic exclusion.

Far From Home

Madhu's fight for identity led her to leave her family & find acceptance within the transgender community.

After leaving her, she found acceptance & support within the trans cummunity in Raigarh.

Finding Her Place

Who Named Her?

She adopted the name "Madhu Bai Kinnar" herself , reflecting her individuality, resilience, & determination to become a prominent figure in Indian society.

A Street Performer

Madhu made a living by singing, dancing, and performing on the streets & trains and became known among people.

A Historic Election!

On January 4, 2015, Madhu broke the barriers by becaming ndia’s first transgender Mayor in Chhattisgarh’s Raigarh Municipal Corporation.

Voice For Locals

Leading Raigarh, she prioritises public services, improve sanitation for all, and uplift marginalised communities within Raigarh.


Madhu's victory is a significant milestone for LGBTQ community in India, which inspires every individual to fight for their equality.

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