Proven: There are 2 versions of Across The Spider-Verse

There seem to be two separate versions of Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse currently playing in theaters.  Read on to know what's different

The Theorists

Users have been sharing side-by-side comparisons of scenes from the movies, sparking a giant discussion.

The Confirmation

Andy Leviton, an associate editor and voice actor in both Spider-Verse films, acknowledged these observations on Twitter and confirmed the theories.

Following are 5 of the discrepancies between the two versions:


In a scene featuring Spider-Man 2099 and his virtual assistant Lyla, she takes a selfie of the pair in one version, while the other version cuts away before this moment.


In a scene involving the Spot and the mini-collider, one version has him saying, "-which would... not be good," while the other has him saying, "oh what the heck."


In one version, Ben says, "I've got you trapped in my well-defined musculature, so don't even-," while in the other he says, "This one's called the sleeper hold, I'm using my bicep to constrict your-."


When Hobie Brown first appears on screen, in one version, a text saying "Hobie" pops up above his head when Miles says his name, but this text is absent in the other version.


In the chai tea scene, one version has Miles saying, "No! No." while the other version has him saying, "Sorry! I'm sorry."

Next: The Female Spider-Man: Silk