Shayan Roy Opens Up On Music, BuzzFeed Days, & Viral Bengali Parodies

Shayan Roy shares insights on his love for music, memorable BuzzFeed days, and the creative process behind his viral Bengali parodies on The Social Nation Show.

Childhood Influence By Creativity

Hailing from Shilong, as a child, Shayan created imaginary friends & characters, which later influenced his content creation, especially in making reels with multiple characters.

Strong Stage Presence

His early experiences in recitation competitions & performing on stage helped him develop confidence, making him comfortable online.

At first, he had mixed feelings about music, but after trying out different genres, he began to appreciate it more.

First Love? Music

BuzzFeed Experience

His time at BuzzFeed was crucial for his career, allowing him to explore writing and video production during an important period for digital media in India.

Lockdown Creativity

During the lockdown, Shayan created content with his parents, strengthening their bond, leading to his mom becoming a content creator.

How Brand Collabs Should Work!

He believes successful brand collaborations need creative freedom and vision alignment, with One Digital Entertainment filtering out such opportunities got easier.

What Is "Culture Traitor?"

The term "Culture Traitor" in his Instagram bio comes from a comment on one of his reels, which he found humorous & decided to own as part of his identity.

Bengali Parodies King

Renowned for his Bengali parodies, he is especially recognized for the "If _ were from Mumbai" series, which gives a Mumbai twist to trending songs.

Bond With Parents

The content creation process during the lockdown brought Shayan closer to his parents, especially his mom, turning her into his best friend & co-creator.

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