The July Supermoon

Get ready to be captivated by the celestial marvel of the July Supermoon 2023! As the first full moon of the year, this extraordinary lunar event promises an awe-inspiring spectacle in the night sky.

What Is A Supermoon

A supermoon is a full or new moon that appears larger and brighter in the night sky because it coincides with the Moon's closest approach to Earth in its orbit.

When Is It?

The first full moon of 2023, also known as the buck moon, will occur on July 3 and will peak at 5:08 pm in India.

What's Special About It?

This supermoon will be the brightest and appear 7% larger than normal moon appearances in the night sky.

Technical Terminology

The technical name for this event is "perigee-syzygy," where "perigee" refers to the Moon's closest point to Earth, and "syzygy" denotes the alignment of the Sun, Moon, and Earth.

Buck Moon

The Supermoon is also known as the "Buck Moon", which symbolizes the emergence of new antlers on male deer during this time of the year.

Other Names

Some other names for this event include Raspberry Moon, Thunder Moon, Hot Moon, and Wyrt Moon.

Other Names

Some other names for this event include Raspberry Moon, Thunder Moon, Hot Moon, and Wyrt Moon.

Other Moons

In 2023, there will be a total of 13 full moons, and 4 super moons. The blue moon, in August, will be the closest moon to Earth this year.

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