The Titanic Conspiracy

The sinking of the Titanic in 1912 remains one of history's most infamous maritime disasters. But amid the tragedy, a compelling conspiracy theory emerged.  Read on to know more

The Titanic JP Morgan conspiracy theory claims that Morgan purposely sank the ship to facilitate the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank in the US.

What's The Theory?

Morgan, who had originally planned to be on it, cancelled his trip at the last moment and avoided the disaster.

Fact #1

However, as the owner of the IMM (which owned the White Star Line that the Titanic belonged to), Morgan had his own luxurious accommodations on the ship.

Fact #2

Three wealthy men (John Astor, Benjamin Guggenheim, and Isidor Straus), were invited aboard the Titanic's maiden voyage.

Fact #3

These men were opposed to the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank and tragically lost their lives when the ship sank.

Fact #4

It's alleged that Morgan invited them to the Titanic's voyage, with the intention of sinking the ship and eliminating the opposition.

Fact #5

It's suggested that the lack of sufficient lifeboats and the high-speed journey through a known iceberg field were intentional actions taken to ensure the ship's sinking.

Fact #6

The Titanic sank in 1912. The Federal Reserve Bank was established in 1913.

Fact #7

Historians dismiss the Titanic JP Morgan conspiracy theory due to the implausibility of orchestrating such a complex plot.

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