In an age where health and fitness take center stage, these fitness influencers have emerged as beacons of motivation and guides to a healthier lifestyle.
He describes himself as a Sports Science Nutritionist and runs the channel Rohit Khatri Fitness.
BeerBiceps' channel covers everything from fashion to fitness to life coaching to motivational videos to diet plans.
His channel GuruMann Fitness gives honest and unbiased reviews on different health products.
The channel Jeet Selal Aesthetics relays fitness instructional training and sports nutrition related information
Kushwaha's channel 'Fitness Fighters' attempts to provide a demonstrative workout program along with apt nutrition tips.
He shares his bodybuilding techniques (which include several specific workouts) as well as random entertaining content.
An ISSA Internationally Certified Fitness Trainer and Nutritionist who provides online personal training and nutrition plans.
FitMuscle TV provides info on all the necessary information on diet, supplementation, workouts and training gear.