Kotak Mahindra Bank Limited launched, ‘Salary ko jagao,’ a nationwide multimedia campaign featuring the energetic Bollywood star Ranveer Singh as Chaturvedi Ji! The campaign highlights Kotak’s flagship offering, ActivMoney, and spans TV commercials, digital platforms, outdoor billboard displays, and social media handles. The campaign is specifically tailored for working professionals, encouraging them to ‘activate’ their salaries using Kotak’s ActivMoney solutions.

The buzz began when Kotak Bank displayed a billboard saying, “Welcome Chaturvedi Ji,” and everyone wondered who Chaturvedi Ji was. Later, to make it more mysterious, Kotak plugged in some quirky posts, increasing the excitement to 10x on Instagram.

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Puzzled Influencers

Apart from netizens, influencers such as Kenny Sebastian, Sanyam Sharma, and CA Sakchi Jain gave a shot at uncovering the mystery surrounding Chaturvedi Ji. This has generated curiosity and prompted many to speculate about who he is and why he is trending.

But why are influencers a part of it? Influencers like Kenny, Sanyam, and CA Sakchi are perfect for Kotak ActivMoney’s campaign. Their relatable content and financial savvy resonate with young professionals, making them ideal for showcasing ActivMoney’s benefits. Their engaging styles effectively highlight how to maximize idle funds, appealing to a wide, digitally active audience.

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What Is ActivMoney?

Kotak ActivMoney is an auto-sweep facility that allows your idle funds to earn 7% FD-level interest. It provides the flexibility to access your money anytime without penalties. Excess funds in your savings or current account, above a set threshold, are automatically transferred to a Fixed Deposit for higher interest earnings.

Additionally, the key benefits of Kotak ActivMoney include the automatic transfer of surplus funds into high-interest fixed deposits, maximizing your savings potential, and the convenience of always having access to your money.

Takatak Ad Film Starring Chaturvedi Ji

The ad series humorously demonstrates the benefits of ActivMoney through two advertisements featuring Chaturvedi Ji, who explains how to activate idle money for earning potential. Set in an office, the ads playfully underscore the importance of maximizing funds in your savings account for working professionals seeking to take control of their finances and achieve more in life.

Man Behind The Campaign

Chief marketing officer and head of retail liabilities product of Kotak Mahindra Bank, Rohit Bhasin said, “ActivMoney is a versatile product tailored to help customers monetize idle funds while ensuring liquidity and returns. Through this campaign, we aim to raise awareness amongst salaried individuals, a dynamic and fast-growing segment of customers. These individuals are driven, aspirational and always seeking ways to grow their wealth. ActivMoney offers the convenience of fixed deposit-like interest without compromising liquidity, a much-desired value addition for customers in this segment.”

A Key Takeaway

The Kotak ActivMoney ‘salary ko jagao‘ campaign aims at working professionals about the advantages of using ActivMoney to make the most of their salaries by earning higher interest rates and accessing their funds easily.