In a hilarious twist, Mumbai startup CEO Kaushal Shah‘s plan to fine latecomers completely backfired. The CEO implemented a fine for employees arriving late, aiming to instill discipline and timeliness. However, the plan took an ironic turn when the CEO himself ended up arriving late and had to pay the Rs. 1,000 fine he had set.

This incident has sparked laughter and discussions on social media, highlighting the challenges and unexpected outcomes of strict workplace policies. It’s a reminder that even the boss isn’t above the rules. Karma at play!


Who Is Kaushal Shah?

Kaushal Shah is an Indian entrepreneur and founder of Evor Beauty, a Mumbai-based cosmetic brand. He recently gained attention when he tried implementing a new policy requiring employees to arrive at the office by 9:30 am or pay a fine worth INR 200.

Kaushal Shah posted on X, “Last week, To increase the productivity in office, I made a strict rule for everyone to be in the office by 9:30 am (earlier we used to come by 10-11) and if we‘re late, we pay Rs.200 as penalty.” Ironically, Shah himself arrived late multiple times and ended up paying an INR 1,000 fine, causing the self-made policy to backfire.

Netizen’s Reaction

The post instantly went viral, sparking a lot of reactions, mostly the hilarious ones on the platform. Here are some of the best ones:

An X user critically questioned the rule and commented, “Kaushal, is the amount 200 rs same across all salary groups? I mean a 15k earning employee and a 2 lakh earning employee see 200 rs differently, hope you have this basic idea.”

While another user jokingly wrote, “😂😂..hope you are not the top performer here.”

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This user woke up and chose violence through his response!

One of the comments also included a constructive suggestion. “Instead of this, introduce an incentive where you double the TA for that particular day, for the first 10 employees who reach in office. Make the system reward-based instead of punishment-based.

As many came forward to criticise the new rule, Shah opened his intention behind the exercise. He explained that the tweet is meant to highlight an important code for both founders and leaders: “If you establish a rule for your employees, you must be the first to follow it.”

Further, he even explained that he has created a separate UPI Lite account as a team fund, where the fine money is collected and used for team activities and benefits. Cool, right?